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My passion for Val-kll Industries derives from my family heritage. My maternal family lived and worked for Eleanor Roosevelt, Nancy Cook and Marion Dickerman at the Val-kill site. Great-grandparents Moses & Hattie Smith rented the Woodlawns farm across Violet Avenue from Val-kill from FDR 4/1/20, before Val-kill cottage was constructed.

Their second son, my grandfather, spent his teenage years there, eventually married and worked at Val-kill as gardener/landscaper. He also worked in the furniture factory and forge. Grandmother was house keeper/cook there. My mother was born at Woodlawns and grew up at Val-kill. In 1947 they left for the village of Hyde Park.

I have inherited their furniture and pewter pieces and have since become an avid collector of Val-kill pieces. As the articles allude I appreciate the form, construction and utilitarian aspects of the products. It’s fascinating that grandfather had a hand in constructing these historic pieces.

In 2001 I wrote a book published by Arcadia titled “Eleanor Roosevelts’ Valkill”. It may be found on line at Amazon or Barnes & Nobel. It is a collection of photographs with captions which depict the home site and business.

I’ve been fortunate to have loaned several pieces to the Nation Park Service in Hyde Park for previous exhibits there and in Washington D.C. I have several on loan which are on current display. It is this effort along with the book and this website that my endeavor is to provide information about Val-kill Industries. It is a dream to perhaps eventually be involved with or found a Val-kill Industries museum.

If you have a similar passion for the products or would like to sell your piece(s) I would appreciate hearing from you. I can be contacted via email at rrcaininc@aol.com or by telephone at 845-656-4660.


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